Snowy Day Snow Painting
The Newark Public Library in partnership with Cool CAT received funding from the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation to put together art events for preschool age children at different branch locations. These are photos with story time with high school readers from Science Park HS and puffy snow painting at Van Buren Library!
Mother’s Day Planter Painting at Peshine Ave
Photos from our Pop-Up Art class for Mother's Day - painting and blinging out planter pots at Peshine Avenue school!
Greenhouse Exploration at Newark Conservancy
In February's Second Saturdays at Greater Newark Conservancy, little ones and their caregivers explored the Conservancy's greenhouse. They touched, smelled and tasted plants. They played in the dirt and were given cuttings and small plants to take home to care for.
PHOTOS: Touch the Music 06/18
Thanks to WBGO, Touch the Music hosted two sessions for little ones to play and touch a variety of instruments at the Van Buren Branch Library.
PHOTOS: Visual Vistas 06/18
Paul Robeson Galleries hosted Visual Vistas for Cool CAT members