Books about Simple Machines
The Simple Machines theme is a part of your child’s prek4 creative curriculum. Here are some book recommendations from the Children’s librarians at Newark Public Library… check out your local branch library for bug books and sign your child up for a free library card.
- Simple Machines: Wheels, Levers and Pulleys (2015) by David Adler
- Simple Machines to the Rescue series (2007) by Sharon Thales
- Rosie Revere, Engineer (2013) by Andrea Beaty
- Machines Make It Work! Science Series: The Hands-On Approach to Science by Andrew Haslam
- My Friend Robot by Sunny Scribens, Hui Skipp, and Norma Jean Wright
- What Is A Pulley by Lloyd G. Douglas
- Roll, Slope and Slide: A Book About Ramps by Michael Dahl
- Tap Tap Bang Bang by Emma Garcia
- How do you lift a Lion? by Robert E. Wells