Coffee Filter Butterly
Not only does this craft teach color mixing but kids can play with water! PreK theme: Insects
Materials Needed:
- Coffee Filter
- Washable Markers
- Water Dropper (or Water Spray Bottle)
- Pipe Cleaner
Flatten coffee filter and use marker to draw all over it.
More colors will allow for more color mixing and less white space.
You can draw patterns or whatever you wish (but it won’t be seen after)Lay filter on a cookie sheet or tray because colors bleed through.
Fill water dropper with water by squeezing into a cup of water and letting go. It will fill up with water. Wet the coffee filter so it’s damp all over (not in a tray of water)
Watch the colors spread and mix.- Let it dry overnight (at least 4-5 hours depending on heat)
Scrunch up filter and tie up pipe cleaner in center to create body and antennae.
- You can also fold in half and wrap pipe cleaner on bottom folded area to make a flower.
Conversation Starter with your child:
Discuss the different stages of a caterpillar to butterfly.
Don’t forget to post your pics on Instagram – tag us @coolcatnewark or #coolcatartbag